100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!

Unlimited Rounds
Swiss System
Double Swiss System
Round-Robin System
Manual Pairing
Print Pairings
Export TRF
Export PGN
Export CSV
No Ads
Private Tournaments
Group Tournaments
Change Sorting Criteria
Choose 1st Player's Color
Customise Scoring
Customise Tie-Breaks
Configure Classifications
Configure Special Points
Send Pairing by SMS*
Collect Entry Fees*
100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!

What do our users have to say about us?

World Rapid & Blitz Championships 2021

I had the chance to use ChessManager during preparation for the World Rapid & Blitz Championships 2021 in Warsaw.

I found the interface to be very user friendly and intuitive. The rating lists are updated automatically every month and filtering players to award prizes in special categories only takes a few seconds.

Tania Karali
Tania Karali
European Chess Union
Secretary of Arbiters Council

Intuitive and saves me so much time!

The program has a wide range of tie-breaks, and the ability to set filters significantly speeds up the preparation for the closing ceremony. A big advantage is the ability to use online payments when registering, and many players appreciate pairings sent via text message. This also speeds up getting to assigned chess boards, especially in large tournaments.

The entire service is very intuitive and saves a lot of time!

Magdalena Judek
Magdalena Judek
International Arbiter

Love the modern functionality

We had doubts about certifying the online application. After many months of testing, the committee unanimously approved the software as stable and meeting all FIDE requirements.

The intuitive interface and modern functions such as sending text messages with pairing have made ChessManager my favorite program for running individual chess tournaments.

Maciej Cybulski
Maciej Cybulski
FIDE Systems of Pairings and
Programs Commission Chairman
100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!

ChessManager without limits

Tie Breaks Configuration


Customizing tiebreaks allows you to tailor it to your rules and preferences.

You can choose from 42 tiebreaks including Buchholz, Sonneborn-Berger, Koya System, Progressive Scores, Direct Encounter and more.


Players classifications enables you to organize participants based on their specific attributes or skill levels.

You can group players based on sex, age, rating, club, federation or custom labels.

Classifications Configuration
Scoring Configuration


Customize points allocation for individualized scoring systems, adapting to different scenarios.

Nothing will prevent your from using 3-2-1 scoring system in scholastic tournaments.

100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!

ChessManager extra features

Collect Entry Fees

The convenience of collecting fees from players streamlines the registration process and enhances the overall participant experience.

*We only charge a 2% processing fee on top of Stripe/PayPal fees, with no setup fee or monthly costs.

Entry Fees Configuration
Send Message

Send Message

Sending messages to players enables effective communication and ensures crucial information reaches all participants promptly.

Moreover you can send pairings by SMS to speed up a large tournament.


100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!

Frequently Asked Questions

For how long will I have access to advanced features?

For the next 365 days from the purchase date.

When will my account be upgraded?

We will upgrade your account as soon as we're able to charge your credit card.

Will you store my credit card information?

No, we won't store it. You'll need to resubscribe again next year.

Will you charge me automatically next year?

No, we don't store your credit card information. You'll need to resubscribe again next year.

100% money back guarantee within 30 days

If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.
That's why we'll happily give you your money back!
